As the DMCA process only applies to copyright, we have a similar process for other claims (General IPR Notices). If you believe that an Author’s item on our marketplace is using content that is protected by another form of Intellectual Property Right, such as a trademark, we ask you to send us a General IPR Notice that contains detailed information about your claim.
If the General IPR Notice is not in a valid format we will ask you to resubmit with the missing information.
For us to action a General IPR Notice it must be in a valid format, which means it must include the information set out at points 1-4 below. We’ve set out an example template here.
- Tell us about the content in the Author’s item that you claim infringes your rights, including a description and where we can find it - include the URL;
- Tell us about the rights you claim, the basis of the ownership claim, and where we can see evidence of your right - include the URL. If you're claiming a trademark right include the trademark registration number, country and class of registration;
- Give us a detailed explanation about how you believe the content in the Author’s item violates your claimed right; and
- Include your full name and contact details, including address, phone number and email address.
You need to sign and date your notice. If you send us the information via Envato Market Help please note that by entering your full name you are providing us with your digital signature which is legally binding. If you want to sign a physical document you'll need to scan the document and attach it to the help ticket.
We will respond appropriately depending on what your claim is about. We may ask for more information and send a copy of your claim to the Author. The Author might contact you directly using the details you've provided.
If you've been sent a General IPR Notice, or another type of complaint has been made about your item:
Complaints about the use of IPRs can cover a wide range of issues. If we send you a General IPR notice or tell you that another type of complaint has been made, we'll generally ask you some specific questions about the complaint and the content or let you know what else is needed.