As of 1st October 2019, Envato’s VAT number has changed.
Does Envato have a VAT number?
Yes, Envato’s VAT number is EU372009975. Ireland is our Member State of Identification for the VAT mini one stop-shop (MOSS) scheme. Prior to 1 October 2019, Envato’s VAT number was EU826409867. UK was our Member State of Identification for the VAT mini one stop-shop (MOSS) scheme.
Envato is an Australian company, why do you need to do this?
While Envato is an Australian company, Envato Market is a global marketplace with authors and buyers around the world. Laws for online businesses such as ours are constantly evolving and there are ways in which other countries and laws impact us and our responsibilities.
Changes to the EU VAT telecommunications, broadcasting and electronic service rules mean that, from 2015, Envato will act as a principal in the supply of digital items for the purpose of EU VAT collection.
Does this apply to non-EU Buyers?
No, this tax only applies to EU consumer (non-business) buyers.
Is my VAT information secure?
We take your privacy and information security very seriously. Your information is stored securely using industry standards and practices.
My native country is within the EU, I’m currently living outside the EU or travelling. Which country do I select?
Please ensure that the country you have selected is your country of residence for tax and legal purposes.
How do I update my country of residence?
- Select 'Settings' from the menu under your user name.
- You may then choose your country of residence from the Country drop-down.
How do I add my VAT number?
- If you choose an EU country, a new field will appear where you can enter your VAT number.